Improving employee wellbeing without compromising your business objectives

Individualised help promoting wellness in your workplace
get in touch

Are you interested in improving an employee’s wellbeing but don’t know where to start?

Do you have an employee who’s disclosed something to you and you want to help them manage it?

Are you fearful that getting help for employee health and wellbeing won’t take into account your business objectives?

Image is of Donelle Dewar wearing dark pants, a white top and a light pink jacket. She's standing in front of a greenish-coloured wall holding an Apple laptop. She's an occupational therapist who helps employers with the benefits of employee wellbeing.

I get it. Being a business owner means you’re wearing many hats which requires you to multi-task. And that often means you’ve got limited time as you’re busy and possibly stressed.

But you also have an employee who you can see is struggling. You’re interested in improving that employee’s wellbeing but you’re not sure what to do.

That’s where I can help. I’m a qualified occupational therapist. And I provide individualised help.

Why? Because one size doesn’t fit all. With this individual program, you get a tailored approach that’s specific to your business and your employee.

Benefits of employee wellbeing

There are many benefits to promoting employee wellbeing, including:

Greater productivity

Increased job satisfaction

Encourages innovation

Decreased staff turnover

Lower absenteeism

How I can help you

Occupational Therapy isn’t just about managing physical health in the workplace. It’s also about mental health.

I help employers who’re motivated to help their employees’ wellbeing by:

  • assessing what’s going on by meeting with your employee (in person or over Zoom)
  • having a discussion with you as the employer. This includes gaining an understanding of your business and your business objectives
  • advising you on how to best support your employee, including providing an individualised treatment plan. My advice always takes into account your business objectives
  • following up with you and your employee so that you both have the support and accountability you need

The timeframe for providing support is usually between four to six weeks, depending on the amount of support you and your employee needs.

I believe that supporting your employees is essential if you want to maximise efficiency and retain valuable staff, thus saving you on recruitment and training costs. But it’s not about letting your business fall over because of it. This is why the support I recommend has to work in well with your business objectives.

Image is of Donelle Dewar of The Anxiet Compass wearing a white top and a light pink jacket with her hands on her hips. She's an occupational therapist who provides workplaces with an alternative to employee wellbeing programs.

My process

Want to know how I work? Here’s my process.


I meet with you for an initial discussion where I gather some background information.


I then meet with both you and your employee to make a broad plan that everyone agrees with.


I provide the employee with three individual Occupational Therapy sessions. This allows me to delve into the specifics of how to implement the plan from Step 2.


I then meet with you again to conclude and evaluate. I’ll present a written report with my recommendations.

Why use an occupational therapist?

There are many benefits to working with an occupational therapist, including:

  • using a broad range of frameworks and modalities
  • looking at both the physical and mental health side of things
  • taking a holistic approach – people in context
  • encouraging preventative measures rather than waiting for a situation to arise

Occupational therapy looks at your employee as a whole person and takes their environment into account. Whereas other modalities tend to look at one specific part of your employee.

Ready to help improve your employee’s wellbeing without adversely affecting your business?

Get in touch today for individualised help and support.